Saturday, December 15, 2007

future most vivid

First post, first post... there is so much pressure to dazzle and impress with this first post that I find myself quite intimidated. I'm not sure what subject would be worthy of the focus of this post.

Well, I guess I could explain the wacky title of this blog-- Future Most Vivid. Although it does have a poetic sound to it, its roots are much nerdier. For those of you not fortunate enough to be familiar with the ridiculous language that is Greek, future most vivid is a term I found in my trust little Greek grammar book (thank you Davis). I'm not sure what it means (I said I was familiar with Greek, not intimate), but I just thought it was a beautiful phrase that should be exposed to the world and not confined to a grammar book. So, there it is.

Well, that's enough procrastinating for one afternoon. Stay tuned, and God bless.


Anonymous said...

I should've taken Greek, but I didn't. Oh well. I am rather well-versed in Latin though...

Libby said...

Well done on the awesome blog title, D.R. It appeals to the inner greek geek in me. Also, you have inspired me to do a blog of my own. Live it. Love it.