Saturday, April 26, 2008

this is your life

Yesterday morning I put on some music I hadn't listened to in awhile, but this time I listened to the words.

"This is your life, are you who you want to be?"*

Those words don't sound cliche at all anymore, and they struck me so much I felt like I could cry. I've always interpreted those words to mean something along the lines of, "Are you following all your dreams and turning into the cool person you dreamed you'd be as a kid?" but right now they mean something slightly different to me. They're saying, "Stop. Look at yourself. Are you okay with how you are right now? Look at the choices you make. Is this how you want to live? Are you proud of yourself? Is this how you want others to see you?"

You might not be doing anything wrong, but what are you doing right? What are you doing for God? Is this really who you want to be?
Probably not.

So what am I going to do about it?

*"This is Your Life" by Switchfoot on The Beautiful Meltdown

1 comment:

bethany said...

I can't count the number of times that song has made me teary. I completely agree with your interpretation, too. Its more of a, Step back. Look at yourself. Look at WHO you are.

I adore that song. Its always bittersweet, because I know WHO I want to be. But its so, so very far away.

Great blog :)