Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Me vs. AC

Seriously. Summer is for warm weather. Summer is for short sleeves. Summer is for sandals. Do we all agree? Good.

Then TELL ME WHY the computer lab that I work in is currently 50 degrees! UGH.

I feel like an idiot every morning when I bike to work in the heat, carrying a sweatshirt. But I know that if I don't, after twenty minutes has passed I will be sitting at my desk shivering in the super chilled office.

It just seems so ridiculous to be colder during the summer than during the winter.

Okay, venting session over. =)


Libby said...

Nice use of "venting."

Double meaning there, methinks...hmm?

Danielle Ryan said...

Woah, clever clever. Totally didn't catch that, but I like it.