Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 in Review: Part I

Here was the introduction to a blog post written in January:

"And now for my New Year's resolutions. I usually forget about these within a week and have fun looking back on them and laughing at myself at the next new year ("I said I would do what?"). But either way, they're too fun to resist. So, here are my goals for 2008 for anyone to see (and to hold me accountable too)"

I couldn't have been more right. Looking back at my resolutions, I squirmed a bit with embarrassment and definitely laughed at myself. Here were my "resolutions," followed by the true outcome...

Resolution #1: Run a marathon.
Reality: Plans to run the NY Marathon fell through, probably for the best, but I did run an 8 mile run for a non-profit org in November, which is a start.

Resolution #2: READ MORE.
Reality: Hmm... I did post a VERY AMBITIOUS list of books I hoped to read and/or reread this year. Sadly, the only two books from that list I read were Atonement by Ian McEwan and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. I did, however, get to read some other good ones, like High Fidelity by Nick Hornby, that were unexpected but very worth while.

Resolution #3: Attack my scrapbooking box. I don't expect to be a master scrapbooker (in fact, I hope to never become a super scrapbooky person... it's just not me) but I need to at least sort through all that STUFF this year.
Reality: HA HA HA.

Resolution #4: Cut back on my "addictions" ... caffeine, gum, and chocolate.
Reality: Although moving to a country for 5 months that does not sell Vault Zero or sticks of Polar Ice gum does naturally help you cut back on those products, I developed new tastes and addictions. I instead discovered a love for lattes and Diet Coke, and ate Cadbury chocolate by the pound. And now that I'm back in the States, I'm chewing Polar Ice more than ever.

Resolution #5: Wear my retainer!
Reality: I think I actually improved in this category, but not as much as I'd hoped. Instead of wearing it the usual 4 times a year average, I might have broken in double digits... but definitely not more than 12 times.

Resolution #6: And, this one should be automatic, but I need to spend more time with God.
Reality: Yes, and no. England didn't exactly help my faith, but it did help me realize all the spiritual comforts of fellowship I take for granted. I also had the blessing of a Bible Study that was very beneficial while it lasted, but sadly, has had to dissolve since most of the members moved away.

Despite these shortcomings, I still feel drawn toward coming up with more goals for 2009. Maybe this time I'll just set the bar a lot lower. =)

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Good goals...probably the same ones I would have if I ever made New Years Resolutions.

Curse that scrapbooking pile...I'm caught up through June of 07. Yay me.