Monday, January 7, 2008

mossy thicket

I love the smell of fresh paint. Call me crazy, but I just love freshly painted rooms. Glorious smell. So anyways, this reflection is not completely random--I am currently repainting my room. I found a shade of green (with the beautiful name of "mossy thicket") and have painted 1 and 1/4 of my walls with it.Also, I should explain the murals (you can only see one of them there)... After I graduated 8th grade my family moved from California to Wisconsin. About a week before my first week of high school, I had the impulse to paint on my walls. So I got a ride down to Sherwin Williams, picked out two shades of gray and one shade of green, and went to town. The paintings you see are (prepare yourself for the true extent of my nerdy love for Lord of the Rings) the Argonath from FOTR (you can see them in the movies... those giant statues on either side of the river toward the end of the movie). Well, I decided to touch them up a bit with deeper values and all that good stuff. It's been fun. But my room is such a mess right now that I've been sleeping on the couch for the past week (my bed is covered in layers of stuff). Maybe I'll do a before and after picture, While You Were Out style, when I'm all done. =)

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