Wednesday, January 2, 2008

oh, snow... and 2008

This winter, I grew quite fond of snow. I'm not sure what brought about this change, but I'm glad. Life is better when you're not mad at the weather every day. It's not that I had a problem with snow itself--just what it meant. Snow means COLD weather; it means I'm in Wisconsin, and not California for winter; it means no rain for months; it means a weary and crusty white substance that overstays its welcome. This winter, however, is possibly the first time I haven't missed rain. I've been truly excited about the entire winter season. And I love this new excitement.

Emily (pictures above and below) and I went out the other morning to snap some potential senior pictures (her senior pictures, NOT mine) in a beautiful snow fall. I am so thrilled about how they turned out.

It was snowing for perhaps the fourth day in a row and was just absolutely enchanting outside. I really do love it when it's snowing.

And now for my New Year's resolutions. I usually forget about these within a week and have fun looking back on them and laughing at myself at the next new year ("I said I would do what?"). But either way, they're too fun to resist. So, here are my goals for 2008 for anyone to see (and to hold me accountable too):

1. Run a marathon. I'm trying to get into the NY marathon this fall with Jenny and Sara (Mountain View Sara). I'm terrified, but super pumped.

2. READ MORE. When I'm reading, I feel like the truest version of myself (if that makes sense). I need to set aside more time for just reading and writing and all those beautiful things.

3. Attack my scrapbooking box. For the past 8 years or so, I have collected photos, cute little scrapbooking things, ticket stubs, napkins, stickers, albums, postcards, blah blah blah, and they have accumulated into what is now a closet drawer, a giant under-the-bed storage thing, and another large closet storage container. And how many pages have I ever actually created? 2!Pathetic! I don't expect to be a master scrapbooker (in fact, I hope to never become a super scrapbooky person... it's just not me) but I need to at least sort through all that STUFF this year.

4. Cut back on my "addictions" ... caffeine, gum, and chocolate. I used to never drink soda (diet or regular) or coffee. Never. Not until the very end of high school when I discovered my secret soda passion--Vault Zero. Ugh! Now I am a caffeine addict who uses black tea and diet soda (and the occasional morning Vanilla Caramel creamer with coffee) to cure my headaches and chews 30-50 pieces of gum a week (and yes, I have counted).

[Hmm... running out of ideas, but 4 is not enough... I need 6... hmmm....ooh! I know!]

5. Wear my retainer! Sorry if this borders on gross, but I seriously need to start wearing my retainer again. I had any combination of braces/expander/head gear/temporary retainers/spacers/rubber bands for about 6 years of my life, and I do not want to go through that again. Sadly, once high school hit I got super lazy and only wear it about 3 times a year (when I feel really guilty all of a sudden and remember). So yeah, no excuses anymore!

6. And, this one should be automatic, but I need to spend more time with God. More prayer, more reading the Bible, more standing up for Him. And God, I really need your help with this (and with all of these actually).

Well, that's all for now. I know there's a million zillion things I need help with, but this is a good start. And, let me just add, I am SO excited for this year. 2008 (yay, an even numbered year!) will be SWEET: Winchester and Europe, Olympics, Shannon and Aaron's wedding, and all the other amazing things I don't know about yet that God's planning. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I found your blog from you comment you left on Jess's blog and I'm happy to have happened upon it. I love the pictures that you took of Emily they turned out really well. Hope you're having a good break.
~Jenny Squires