Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It's always been a family joke that if you want my dad to show up to anything on time, you need to tell him it starts at least an hour before it actually does. Once, when my dad was in college, he phoned his sister to ask what time the family was gathering (it was someone's birthday or something). She told him 1:30 pm. He arrived at 3:30 pm, and was frustrated to discover that no guests had actually arrived yet. Turns out the party wasn't supposed to start until 4 pm, but his sister knew him too well, and he was actually early for once.

Stuff like that about your parents is funny until you realize that you're turning into the same person. Today is the third time I've skipped my first hour class, simply because I was running late. I didn't sleep through class completely or forget to set an alarm or anything (actually, I did forget, come to think of it, but that wasn't the problem this morning), I just couldn't get my act together in time and left the house minutes later than I should have. Rather than walking in to class 8 minutes late, I skipped it all together. I hate being late. I hate walking late into a class so much, I'd generally rather just skip it. Yet, despite how frustrated I get with being late, I can't break the cycle. I just can't seem to get out of bed that 5 or 10 minutes early, which is really all I need to get to school on time. How pathetic is that?

I have been the last one into just about every class this semester, but it's got to stop. Here's my new challenge. Over the next week, I will not be late for my 8 am class (baby steps here). From tomorrow until next Friday, I will show up every day, and I will show up at least on time, preferably 5 minutes early. Hmm. We'll see how this goes...


Superiorly Inferior said...

You're late for stuff? I don't know if I like that about you. That's just a terrible thing to hear. I don't quite know how I'm going to handle this information...

Janie said...

Hahahhaa, you and me both, sister. But don't worry, Scott (Hannan) is worse. We told him to meet us in Madison at 5 p.m. and we couldn't even get a table until everyone was there, so we were seated, immediately, at 6 p.m.